this cutie was taken by Crazyegg95 in 2005 and is from flickr

for the main blog of poetry, whimsy and maybe beauty, now

Monday 9 March 2009


Israel has received four official complaints from members of the new administration regarding various issues linked to West Bank settlements.

The new administration means Obama's administration. Previous governments have also complained, and have sometimes backed up those complaints by pseudo-withdrawal of the various ways that Israel receives U.S. funding, but those measures of withdrawal have never stayed in place for long. The complaints are usually about the settlements, which of course, are a very serious matter. They are rarely about human rights abuse, even so, I hope it indicates a shift in the U.S. policy whereby under Bush, and many previous governments, Israel was provided with weapons, funding and policy to do whatever it wanted.

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this cutie was taken by Crazyegg95 in 2005 and is from flickr
