this cutie was taken by Crazyegg95 in 2005 and is from flickr

for the main blog of poetry, whimsy and maybe beauty, now

Monday, 2 March 2009

robert baer in perth

Have been going to the Perth International Writers' Festival. Apart from catching up with friends, I've been attending very interesting free sessions. The theme of the conference seems to be presenting different stories, different points of view. I'm not quite sure, but the make up of contributors range from the stories of refugees who have been granted asylum in Australia, to an Australian who was imprisoned and freed (before Obama) from Guantanamo, to film makers, children's writers, general fiction writing, and the ex-head of the M15.

Speaking with her was Robert Baer, ex-CIA operative in the Middle East. He writes for American papers quite often, and has been attacked by stalwart American papers, also. I referenced him in this post. Locally, he has just been interviewed on the local ABC 720 am. I will see if there is a podcast later. His latest book is on Iran, and is called the "Devil we know". The interviewer asked him about peace in the region. Of course, as Obama's domestic problems drag him down, it seems that peace in the region will not be a dramatic undertaking or enterprise. These were his thoughts, mine too. Hopefully steps towards will be brought into play - but I imagine they will be baby steps, and maybe never enough.

He also mentioned, which I have heard many, many, many times, that peace in the region will not be achieved until something is done about the Israeli presence in and ultimate rule of Palestine. If one colonial power (Israel) and its backers (the U.S. and most other western powers) are able to get away with murder on a huge scale, as seen in Gaza, why would anyone in the region seriously trust the country, and its backers? I have read of ex-Australian diplomats and military offering much the same view. I think anyone employing a modicum of common sense, or possessing a sense of fairness, would feel the same.

Anyway, it was interesting to hear the man, though he didn't speak too much about the above at the session I attended on Sunday - but he did mention it in the radio interview, as stated. I might see him again today, as he has another session. ABC is listened too quite widely, so that is heartening.

A lot of these events are free. I love festival time! Check out this film, Son of a Lion, if you get a chance. The story of its making is almost as extraordinary as the film itself.

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this cutie was taken by Crazyegg95 in 2005 and is from flickr
